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Mini prenosni medicinski M6 1L 2216psi aluminijasti kisik za steklenice plinski jeklenik z regulatorjem in vrečko

Mini prenosni medicinski M6 1L 2216psi aluminijasti kisik za steklenice plinski jeklenik z regulatorjem in vrečko

  • Pregled
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  • Sorodni izdelki
Mini Portable Medical M6 1L 2216psi Aluminum Oxygen Bottle Gas Cylinder with regulator and bag details
Mini Portable Medical M6 1L 2216psi Aluminum Oxygen Bottle Gas Cylinder with regulator and bag manufacture
Mini Portable Medical M6 1L 2216psi Aluminum Oxygen Bottle Gas Cylinder with regulator and bag supplier
Mini Portable Medical M6 1L 2216psi Aluminum Oxygen Bottle Gas Cylinder with regulator and bag manufacture
Mini Portable Medical M6 1L 2216psi Aluminum Oxygen Bottle Gas Cylinder with regulator and bag factory
Mini Portable Medical M6 1L 2216psi Aluminum Oxygen Bottle Gas Cylinder with regulator and bag factory
Kraj izvora
Šanghaj, Kitajska
številka modela
aluminijev cilinder
Medicinski plin/Industrijski plin/Pijača/Diving
1L 1.68L 2L 2.75L 4.55L 8L 10L 20L itd.
Delovni tlak
Testni tlak
Zunanji premer
na zahtevo
na zahtevo
Evropski standard TPED/Ameriški standard DOT3AL/ISO7866
iz železa
kisik, co2, argon, itd
Standardni ameriški celoviti ALUMINIJEV CILINDER po normi DOT3AL
Mini Portable Medical M6 1L 2216psi Aluminum Oxygen Bottle Gas Cylinder with regulator and bag supplier
Mini Portable Medical M6 1L 2216psi Aluminum Oxygen Bottle Gas Cylinder with regulator and bag factory
MM velikost z vretilom in plastiko ravno
Mini Portable Medical M6 1L 2216psi Aluminum Oxygen Bottle Gas Cylinder with regulator and bag supplier
40L Aluminijev medicinski plinov cilinder z vretilom in pokrov
Mini Portable Medical M6 1L 2216psi Aluminum Oxygen Bottle Gas Cylinder with regulator and bag factory
Mini Portable Medical M6 1L 2216psi Aluminum Oxygen Bottle Gas Cylinder with regulator and bag factory
Medicinski kisik cilinder z vretilom in regulatorjem pakiran z kisikovim vrečko, je zelo prenosen.
Aluminijev kisik cilinder z nosilnim koferjem.
Aluminijev kisik cilinder z vozilom.
Mini Portable Medical M6 1L 2216psi Aluminum Oxygen Bottle Gas Cylinder with regulator and bag manufacture
Mini Portable Medical M6 1L 2216psi Aluminum Oxygen Bottle Gas Cylinder with regulator and bag manufacture
Mini Portable Medical M6 1L 2216psi Aluminum Oxygen Bottle Gas Cylinder with regulator and bag supplier
Različne velikosti so na voljo.
Prosim pošljite svoj interes brez skrbi.
Vam bom ponudil najboljšo ceno na podlagi zahtev.
Mini Portable Medical M6 1L 2216psi Aluminum Oxygen Bottle Gas Cylinder with regulator and bag manufacture
Mini Portable Medical M6 1L 2216psi Aluminum Oxygen Bottle Gas Cylinder with regulator and bag supplier
Mini Portable Medical M6 1L 2216psi Aluminum Oxygen Bottle Gas Cylinder with regulator and bag factory
Mini Portable Medical M6 1L 2216psi Aluminum Oxygen Bottle Gas Cylinder with regulator and bag supplier
Mini Portable Medical M6 1L 2216psi Aluminum Oxygen Bottle Gas Cylinder with regulator and bag manufacture
Mini Portable Medical M6 1L 2216psi Aluminum Oxygen Bottle Gas Cylinder with regulator and bag details
Mini Portable Medical M6 1L 2216psi Aluminum Oxygen Bottle Gas Cylinder with regulator and bag factory
Mini Portable Medical M6 1L 2216psi Aluminum Oxygen Bottle Gas Cylinder with regulator and bag supplier
Mini Portable Medical M6 1L 2216psi Aluminum Oxygen Bottle Gas Cylinder with regulator and bag factory


Beyiwod Mini Portable Medical M6 1L 2216psi Aluminijev Mehanski Oksigeni Bostanj s reguliranjem in vrečko lahko predstavlja idealno rešitev za osebe, ki želijo imeti zase le majhen, hrbtenjak prijazen zrakovni bostanj, kjer koli grejo. Ta revolucionarni izdelek je idealen za osebe, ki trpijo zaradi disnih težav ali potrebujejo oksigeno dopolnitev zaradi drugih medicinskih stanj.

Med mnogimi prednosti Beyiwod Mini Portable Medical M6 1L 2216psi Aluminijev Mehanski Oksigeni Bostanj s reguliranjem in vrečko je njegova velikost. Je kompaktne in enostavne za namestitev, kar ga dela idealen za tiste, ki hočejo potovati z njim, medtem ko so na potehi. Poleg tega aluminijeva gradnja enote zagotavlja trajno naložbo, saj je močan in stabilen.

Še ena značilnost, ki razlikuje to Minijo od drugih: Nosilna medicinska M6 1L 2216psi Aluminijev kisikov stekel s redskalatorjem in vrečko. Redskalator omogoča uporabnikom prilagajanje pretoka zraka, kar ga naredi prilagojeno posameznim potrebam. To pomaga zagotoviti, da uporabniki prejmejo primerno količino zraka, pri čemer so pri uporabi enote tudi zanesljivi.

Beyiwod Mini Portable Medical M6 1L 2216psi Aluminijev kisikov stekel s redskalatorjem in vrečko ima tudi polno pojasno koščico. To pomeni, da bo sistem trajal dolgo časa, poleg tega pa bo vsakič, ko ga bodo potrebovali, sposoben vam zagotoviti dovolj zraka za posameznika.


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