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सब वर्ग

अच्छी कीमत मेडिकल सक्शन नियामक वैक्यूम नियामक अस्पताल थेरेपी के लिए बोतल के साथ 0-760mmhg भारत

2025-01-03 13:20:49
अच्छी कीमत मेडिकल सक्शन नियामक वैक्यूम नियामक अस्पताल थेरेपी के लिए बोतल के साथ 0-760mmhg

Looking for your ideal suction regulator for your hospital? If yes, you are in the right place. Well, Beyiwod has everything you need. It makes it an excellent hospitals suction regulator which helps in assisting patients to get the proper care and support needed for their treatment.


Beyiwod understands the significance of patients getting therapy of high quality. 

That is why we are proud to offer a suction बोतल नियामक that not only helps you get the job done but does so at a fair price. The suction regulator comes with adjustable pressure between 0 to 760 mmHg. That means it can deliver the proper volume of suction support every time it’s needed — assuring that patients receive the treatment required.

The best thing about our suction regulator is a special bottle, and a vacuum regulator that goes with it. 

This combination allows the equipment to be easily transported around the hospital. This Medical bottle produced specifically for Medical purposes and all the safety rules and approach followed strictly. This is of utmost importance, because we want to protect patients and hospital staff and make sure everything is safe.

The right amount of suction is very important when it comes to helping patients. 

Vacuum regulator for metered vacuum control. That way each patient can get exactly what they require. With the right amount of suction provided, we can play an important role in enhancing patient outcomes and ensuring optimum quality of care.

This nursing suction bottle नियामक is the right equipment for every hospital in its search for a good and reliable feeding line that is recommended by professionals. It comes at quite an affordable cost while providing really nice precision and control. So, why wait any longer? Order your Beyiwod suction tank regulator today and see the difference it can make in the care you provide to your patients. We know our product can make your work a lot easier and effective as you will be satisfied with its quality.